Vivienne’s solo travel commandments, trust your instincts…sex and drugs

Posted on April 28, 2012


Sometimes its dull. We don’t use it enough in our safe orderly lifestyle. Predictability, ease, and desk life moves us further and further away from our primal instincts. Those instincts, subtle cues, a twitch of the mouth, an unconscious siren, blaring and projecting itself into our consciousness until in some way or another the cue to run splashes and blasts itself into reality and within a split second you find yourself running. Running like a track star down the narrow deserted streets of Palma de Mallorca, Spain. The adrenaline drug is pumping and even though in highschool you couldn’t ever clear that hurdle just right.. it takes nightfall and a threat on the island of Mallorca for you to soar over trash, debris, stray cats, steps, and rusty cans. The weight of my bags set the beat as the wind propels me faster and faster until street lights, a bus, people…. Wrong turn..Whewww that was close.

Yes sometimes it happens. You find yourself in the wrong situation. This could be avoiding getting robbed and running out of money, making a wrong turn or dealing with shady people. My best advice is to listen to that little voice in your head. My travels have really taught me how to trust my instincts, when you trust your instincts and connect with the in explainable, then all of a sudden its not what people say but how they say it, why they are saying it and you have a split second to decide whether to trust them or not. Listen to your body always… we are very smart and wired to survive. As humans we don’t even begin to use our potential to our complete benefit. If it doesn’t feel right or make sense, don’t do it.

You do have to set yourself up for success. That’s my motto to stay safe. So I’ll introduce you to Vivian’s solo travel commandments. With common sense as well as your re acquaintance with your instincts you will do very well and have fun. I’ll share the first couple of my commandments below:)

You’re on vacation and you want to have a little bit of fun. That’s nice..if you can’t have fun sober or tipsy then maybe you need to stay at home. Solo travel is not the time to experiment. What happens if you are really drunk and no one is able to take care of you? You can’t find your way back to the hotel and no one speaks your language. You are now an easy target, a mark.. asking the first creep to come along and take advantage of you. Your only hope is that you luck up on a nice stranger who will ensure your safety. I wouldn’t advise playing Russian roulette so just refrain from the wild partying. I’ve been to Amsterdam 3 times. I love it, one of the best cities in the world. Unfortunately I always notice that some people miss out on how incredible Amsterdam is because they decide they are going to do a little drug tourism and get messed up. Luckily, the hospital employees in Amsterdam speak English as well as Dutch, German, and French.

5. REFRAIN from sex or if you can’t… PLEASE PLEASE PRACTICE SAFE SEX! Maintain your power.
I am not a conservative. I am liberal and very non-judgemental. I am also a realist…Did you know that everyday there are humans having sex? EVERYDAY! Now that you’ve gotten over that shock continue to read.
I don’t care about your religious preferences or morals so I approach this topic purely from a logical standpoint. On vacation you might meet someone who is the most beautiful, incredible, wonderful, sexiest person you have ever met in your life! You are free, on vacation and feeling at ease with the world. Your normal daily boundaries and restrictions are adjusted to match your new carefree vacation lifestyle. You meet that beautiful Italian man or woman with the huge deep brown eyes that wants you so badly. You are dancing closely and while dancing you imagine what sex would feel like with this person….
For women.
You have to face reality that you are a woman at this point. You leave a public place and go somewhere with someone you just met where you will expose yourself and put yourself in the weakest position that you possibly could be in. Maintain your power. Your ability to fight, run, yell, and coerce and influence is greatly disdvantaged if you are in a romantic position. The possibilities of how things could go wrong are vast. Just please don’t do it or at least be careful. Practice safe sex if you do. People lie all the time especially if they know that you are just passing through. How would you track this person down if something bad were to occur? What will you tell your new baby.. I met your daddy randomly in a club in Spain, or was it Italy…or maybe it was Vienna but anyways I never did catch his name…

For men..
Women lie men lie. Wrap it up!
Plus the beautiful girl Natasha, that you took home from the bar late at night could wake up to his real self..a man capable of beating you up and robbing you of your passport and cash.

I’ll be updating my commandments throughout my upcoming travels. What are your commandments? How do you stay safe while travelling abroad.

imagine being drunk and trying to navigate the beautiful but narrow confusing streets of Venice, Italy..

Just because you smoke weed in Amsterdam doesn't mean that you should. Especially if you are by yourself.

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